Saturday 5 November 2011

Week 11!!! DTS lecture phase nearly over!!

Happy Bonfire Night!!!! (i hate that i'm missing it!) Welll this week has been quite quiet, what's starnge is that it was our last full week of lectures before outreach, we have 3 days lectures and 2 days prep next week and then it's off to kenya which is crazy!!! (please pray that our visa's get sorted as we have no idea what is goin on with them right now!!!) This week base has been 'soaked' in worship thanks to the Precious Jewels team from the Philipines (they work with children who suffer trauma) It's been an amazing week and we've just been really submerged in worship (except wednesday night when i was so tired i fell asleep) but friday night (which was meant to be a bonfire and would have been perfect timing for fireworks night but it rained!!!) God really spoke to be though the lyrics "i'm tradin my sorrows, i'm trading my shame, i'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord" that just really struck me, we accept the forgiveness of our sins because it makes God happy, we may feel unworthy and like we don't deserve it (which is true) but that souldn't stop us recieving freedom in Christ because that's what God wants us to have it!! If we don't accept it then Jesus died in vain- which quite frankly sucks!!! Aside from that this week we had prayer and fasting for our outreach for our unity and God's provision! Lectures this week have been on world view which was pretty interesting and extremly useful for outreach! I think thats about it for now! We leave for Kenya in 7 days which is crazy but hopefully i'll get one more blog in before i leave!!! Be praying for our preperations and that we get everything sorted with peace!

1 comment:

  1. I'm trading my sorrows was one of the songs we sung at the church weekend away :)
