Saturday, 12 November 2011

Bye for a while!

Okay so this is my last post for the next 8 weeks!!! I will be vannishing off the face of Uganda and vthe world of the internet to go and spread the good news of the gospel of Christ!
You might think its going to be really hard for me to be in a technology free wold for 2 months, but actually I'm really excited about it, i feel like i spend so much time checking facebook notifications i could have saved many spiritual lives in that time!! Don't get me wrong, i love catching up with people on facebook and e-mail so don't stop talking to me! But I'm excited to see how much God can use me when I'm away from these distractions!!
We leave on tuesday (hopefully) the date keeps changing but i know we'lll get there eventually in God's perfect timing! However not knowing what's happening (in true frican fashion) is something i do struggle with regularly!
and now some last minuit prayer points for the next 8 weeks:
Saftey as we travel and stay in new places
Good health and freedom from illness
Unity in our group
freedom from cultural difficulties
open hearts of us and the people we minister to so that we hear God
that we really reach peopl with the word of God
Peace as we minister in new and maybe challenging  environments
for God to work in our lives
That we don't get homesick over chirstmas!
For a fun, joyfull and blessed trip

Thanks! SSpeak to you in 8 weeks!!!

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