Wednesday 3 August 2011

Training week

So internet here has been kind of down and slow, but hey i guess i've gotta get used to that, apparently hinternet has been down in hopeland (YWAM base Ugnada) for a couple of months now! so i might not be blogging that much for a while!!
So orientation has been really informative so far, we learnt about all the ways we are going to (possibly) die! haha, we wont, but seriously if you feel the need to pray for us, praying that we get safe and real medicine would be really great!! but Dr Rob was such an inspiration to us and such a lovely an of God he's really awsome! i also found out i'm gonna get fat, and get up at 6 in the dark and work really hard! but hey it's all part of the service right!?!?!
We've been on a few walks in the beautiful sussex countryside, we walked a couple of miles through some fields to the village, just to find there was nothing there and then we walked home! on our group also went on a walk and darling becca asked if bluebells were cows!!!!
Today we talked about realtionships in mission and how NOT to pick up african men!!!! and cherry wrote us all post cards with words on them from God, it's amaxing that someone that doesn't even know you can so accuratly speak to you and know you, isn't God awsome!
So just a little bit about our team headed to Uganda, there are 7 of us, 6 girls me Tess, Becca, Katie, Namoi and Claire and Christian is the only boy, you gotta kinda feel for him! also appart from me Naomi and Claire the others are all american, so i'm starting to say things like prescious, awsome and adorable a lot oh ball'in!!!!
well i lost my train of thought so i'm a love you and leave you, laters!!!!!!

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