our second week in kenya was spent in Rhiad which is about 30minuits out of Kisumu up the mountain so from the pastors house we had some amazing views out over the city and lake victoria :) The house was really lovely which i was greatful for seeing as i spent 3 days bed (well matreress) ridden with malaria!! you might ask how that happened, and honestly i don't know because i took my doxy religiously but 4 of us got malaria in the same week!
The trip to thr clinic was an adventurre, i've never had my photo taken in thr hospital by the doctor before, or been asked to sign the guest book, however the docotr did manage to find a cure for my hic-ups, a mouth full of sugar! i think i must have been the starngest patient- i laughed when they told me i had malaria! Fortunatly malaria is quite easily curable, 8 pills a day for 3 days with some horrible side-effects (the headache pills i got made me crazy!!)
On the ministry side of things it was a good week, we went to a muslim school where 90% of the students went to church- no i don't understad the either!! I spoke in a school about HIV/AIDS and relationships with each other and Jesus which i was nervous about because once again it was a muslim owned school and i was sure the kids would know more about HIV than i do! but we were accepted really well and even got to pray with the muslim school owner me and Joel rocked the session we ran with the P6&7 kids :)
Our crusades this week were in the middle of the village and we had a wooden stage that looked like it would collapse at any moment, my one brave ventre onto the stage during the skit got rained out (like most nights!) and we ended up hidding out in the opub with samosa's and the carrying chairs back to the house on our heads, 1. because we're in Africa and 2. because it was sitting raining! After another crusade we had our first (and only) incounter with demons, this poor high school age girl had been suffering for about 7 years by being haunted with spirits of death, however afetr 2 hours of praying she was delivered and since the images that haunted her mind have stopped!
One of the main difficulties we had this week was the approach to ministry, the pastor and culture had a somewhow agressive and forward approach to ministry which is deffinatly what i'm used to or necessarilty agree with but it is acccepted here, however trying to balance what i feel is right and culture is challenging!
We prepared to leave Kisumu on monday 28th of November, we spent many hours in the box sized Kampala coach office as the bus was in African style 3hours late! but we did walk down to lake victoria to watch the sun set and we saw some hippos!!!
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